Newsha Tavakolian

Curator and designer

And They Laughed at Me

In the photo exhibition “And they laughed at me”, Iranian artist and member of the prestigious Magnum agency, Newsha Tavakolian searches through her archives not to select her best work, but to find photos that were never meant to be shown. This procedure was supposed to help her understand why she was stuck in her work as an artist. These technically flawed photos from her youth reveal the mistakes that every new photographer makes when they are still unsure of their camera and the nature of light. Her interest in these photographs seems to be philosophical.

The photo exhibition “And they laughed at me” was placed in 15 locations in the center of Sarajevo as part of the WARM Festival, the Culture on the Streets program and the Festival in the Center. Photos measuring 140x210cm are printed on canvas and framed by massive wooden frames made by the company ZANAT from Konjic.



Na izložbi fotografija “A smijali su mi se”, iranska umjetnica i članica prestižne Magnum agencije, Newsha Tavakolian pretražuje svoje arhive ne kako bi odabrala svoj najbolji rad, već da bi pronašla fotografije koje nikada nisu bile namijenjene pokazivanju. Ova postupak joj je trebao pomoći da razumije zašto je zapela u svom radu kao umjetnica. Ove tehnički manjkave fotografije iz njene mladosti otkrivaju greške koje svaki novi fotograf pravi dok još uvijek nije siguran u svoj foto aparat i prirodu svjetlosti. Njeno zanimanje za ove fotografije izgleda da je filozofsko.

Izložba fotografija “A smijali su mi se” postavljena na 15 lokacija u centru Sarajeva u okviru Festivala WARM, programa Kultura na ulice te Festivala u Centru. Fotografije dimenzija 140x210cm odštampane su na platnu i uokvirene masivnim drvenim ramovima koje je izradila firma ZANAT iz Konjica.

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