Photo by Newsha Tavakolian/Magnum photos

The Somayeh photo belongs to a series memorializing Tavakolian’s peers, a cohort born in the shadow of the 1979 Islamic Revolution and the long Iraq War (1980–1988) and which came of age during the short-lived period of reform time (1997–2005), when surreptitious satellite TV and the internet introduced foreign notions and awakened the possibilities of being part of a wider world. Shot in Tehran, where the artist lives and works, this image concentrates on a single individual holding still while the surrounding environment. Somayeh suggests the resilience and strength of the first post-revolutionary generation while presciently alluding to today’s young Iranian women as they attempt to reshape their futures.

Fotografija Somayeh pripada seriji kojom autorica odaje počast svojim vršnjacima, kohorti rođenoj u sjeni Islamske revolucije iz 1979. godine i dugog Iransko-iračkog rata (1980–1988), koja je odrasla tokom kratkog perioda reformi (1997–2005), kada su, inače zabranjena, satelitska televizija i internet uvodili strane pojmove i budili mogućnosti da budu dio šireg svijeta. Snimljena u Teheranu, gdje umjetnica živi i radi, ova slika se fokusira na pojedinca koji stoji mirno dok se okolina oko njega kreće. Somayeh sugeriše otpornost i snagu prve postrevolucionarne generacije, istovremeno aludirajući na današnje mlade Iranke koje pokušavaju oblikovati svoju budućnost.