
‘Sarajevo 2012’ conference & ‘Bosnia 1992-1995’ screening – Holiday Inn, Sarajevo

Holiday Inn, Sarajevo

For the 20th anniversary of the war, foreign reporters who covered the war in Bosnia are coming back to meet their Sarajevo friends.

The meeting is taking place the week of the anniversary from Monday, April 2nd, until Sunday, April 8th.

A ‘Sarajevo 2012’ conference is organized on April 6th by Le Monde reporter Rémy Ourdan and Festival MESS Memory Module artistic director Nihad Kresevljakovic.
The conference includes a screening of the photo book ‘Bosnia 1992-1995’, edited by Jon Jones with Rémy Ourdan and Gary Knight, videos and speeches.

The ‘Bosnia 1992-1995’ book history

A group of photographers and writers who had covered the war in Bosnia decided to come back to Sarajevo on April 6th, 2012, to commemorate the war and re-engage with the country. They also decided to make a photo book about the war. Jon Jones (photo editor), Rémy Ourdan (text editor), and Gary Knight (production, in collaboration with Ziyah Gafic) took the project on. They pulled together the work of over 50 photographers and writers who all volunteered their material.

‘Bosnia 1992-1995’ hardback book contains 248 pages that includes the work of many of the leading photographers and writers of the time. It charts the course of the Bosnian war from its beginning in April 1992 to the Dayton Peace Accord in December 1995.

The contributors to ‘Bosnia 1992-1995’ are Odd Andersen, Darko Bandic, Yannis Behrakis, Nina Berman, Alexandra Boulat, Eric Bouvet, John F. Burns, Christophe Calais, Patrick Chauvel, Rachel Cobb, Steve Connors, Enrico Dagnino, Jerome Delay, Janine Di Giovanni, Amel Emric, Wade Goddard, Antoine Gyori, Benoit Gysembergh, Tom Haley, Jean Hatzfeld, Ron Haviv, Filip Horvat, Roger Hutchings, Morten Hvaal, Srdjan Ilic, Olivier Jobard, Jon Jones, Thomas Kern, Gary Knight, Rikard Lama, Paul Lowe, Anthony Loyd, Santiago Lyon, Enric Marti, James Mason, Christopher Morris, James Nachtwey, Anja Niedringhaus, Peter Northall, Remy Ourdan, Gilles Peress, Michael Persson, Ariane Quentier, Noël Quidu, Laurent Rebours, Andrew Reid, Patrick Robert, David Rohde, Laurent Sazy, Kurt Schork, Tom Stoddart, Laurent Van der Stockt.