Noriko Hayashi


Noriko Hayashi is a documentary photographer based in Tokyo who focuses on social and gender issues. She began taking pictures for a small local newspaper in Gambia when she was still at university studying for a degree in international relations.

Her long-term ongoing project “Sawasawato” on Japanese wives living in North Korea explores conceptions of space, place and personal history, and how those relate to individual and social memories. Hayashi’s work has been recognized internationally with awards such as the NPPA Best of Photojournalism, the Visa d’Or feature award at the Visa pour l’Image festival. She was also a finalist at the Alexia Foundation Professional Award and the Amnesty Media Awards.

Noriko has published two photo books, “AlakaChuu” (Nikkei National Geographic, 2014) and “The Prayer of the Yazidis” about the plight of Yazidis in Iraq’s civil war (AKAAKA, 2016). Her work has been featured worldwide in publications like National Geographic, The New York Times, GRANTA, Stern, Marie Claire, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, and many others. She is represented by Panos Pictures, UK.

Noriko Hayashi je dokumentarna fotografkinja iz Tokija koja se fokusira na društvene i rodne teme. Počela je fotografisati za malu lokalnu novinu u Gambiji dok je još bila na fakultetu i studirala međunarodne odnose.

Njen dugoročni projekat “Sawasawato” o japanskim suprugama koje žive u Sjevernoj Koreji istražuje pojmove prostora, mjesta i lične istorije te kako se ti pojmovi odnose na individualna i kolektivna sjećanja. Hayashi je međunarodno priznata za svoj rad i osvojila je nagrade poput NPPA Best of Photojournalism, Visa d’Or za reportažu na festivalu Visa pour l’Image. Bila je također finalistica za Alexia Foundation Professional Award i Amnesty Media Awards.

Noriko je objavila dvije knjige fotografija, “AlakaChuu” (Nikkei National Geographic, 2014) i “Molitva Jazida” o teškoćama naroda Jazidi u građanskom ratu u Iraku (AKAAKA, 2016). Njen rad je objavljivan širom svijeta u publikacijama poput National Geographic, The New York Times, GRANTA, Stern, Marie Claire, Le Monde, Der Spiegel i mnoge druge. U njenom profesionalnom radu, Noriko zastupa agencija Panos Pictures, UK.

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