Olga Cera

Palestine Children’s Relief Fund

Olga Cera, born in Italy in 1981, where develop a long working experience in the area of cultural promotion and theater production, working for several theatres and cultural organizations. Since she was student was intensely involved in civil rights and in the anti-globalization movement and during this period she starts focusing on the Palestinian issue. She believes culture to be a reflection, a mirror, of the different realities of our planet and the resulting of the social problems which exist; an open window on the world through the universal language of words, images, bodies, music etc. and a vehicle for spreading some of the visual issues and give to the people the possibility to think what happens in our society. Actually she lives in the Netherlands with her loved son Kostja and she works for the PCRF-Palestine Children’s Relief Fund a nonprofit, nonpolitical humanitarian medical relief group dedicated to providing free medical care for children who cannot be treated in the Middle East. She is a graduate of Contemporary History at University Federico II of Naples, and undertook a post-graduate Master in Management of social enterprise and non-profit organization at the SDA Bocconi-School of Management, in Milan. http://www.pcrf.net/

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