Edward Kaprov


Edward Kaprov was born and grew up in the Soviet Union. He came to Israel after his motherland, along with its Utopia, disappeared from the world maps. 

Wandering back and forth from “The Land of Patriarchs” to his Motherland, all issues Edward is dealing with, reflects nostalgia of high Ideas that deny real circumstances.

Kaprov is working, as a freelancer, with well-known magazines in Israel and abroad such as ’El Pais’, ‘National Geographic’, ‘Geo’, ‘MasaAher’, ‘Menta’, “Kommersant’. He is also contributing with his work for weekly magazine extensions like ‘G’ Globes, ‘7Days’ Yedioth Ahronoth, ‘Musaf’ Haaretz and others. Apart from his work with the media, Edward Kaprov is frequently working with different NGOs.

After working for 20 years in the field of documentary photography, he intends to extend the journey through time and space, by adopting the wet collodion technique, an early photographic process. At the time when photography as a medium was being devalued, Edward Kaprov decided to slow down, to bring back the magic of silver images appearing on a blank glass plate. This is his photographic “Altneuland” – the Utopia of the light.

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