I am a medical doctor, working in a French hospital (Narbonne, France) as Head of Intensive Care Unit. From 2006 to 2011, I was member of Médecins du Monde-France’s Board. I was in charge of “security-acceptation and inter-institutional relationships” issues for MDM’s Board. I’ve been also in charge of supervising an international program regarding “Violence against women”, involving 29 countries and aiming at implementing a multidisciplinary management and an exchange of practices with local actors. I’v been Head of MDM’s programs in Sudan, and particularly in Darfur, from 2005 to 2011. I’ve been been also on many other humanitarian fields (Chechnya, Indonesia, Kenya,..). I advocate strongly for a “safe distance” between humanitarian and military/political actors. I was also member of the Steering Committee of the “VOICE CivMil Working group”, located in Brussels. I’ve published many articles (“Humanitaire” review, VOICE “out-of-loud”, Humanitarian Practice Network…) and opinions papers (“Libération”) on security and, notably civil-military relationships, issues. From 2009 to 2012, I was delegate director and editorialist of the web-based site Grotius International. I am graduated since 2011 with a degree in Political science (University Lyon) in “International security and defense” and, since 2008, have teached in different universities (University of Grenoble, Evry, Political Studies Institute in Lille, and now Montpellier). My main topics of interest (and teaching) are: “International Defense and Strategy”, and “NGOs practices in conflict and complex situations “. During my work with the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (in Paris), I’ve published a complete note on Privatization of war in afghan context. I also redacted chapters for books: Persecutions des femmes (dir J. Valluy et J. Freedman) Editions du Croquant, 2007 / La captivité de guerre au XXème siècle (dir A.M. Pathé et F. Théofilakis) Editions Armand Colin, 2012.