Broadcasting Euronews – English, French Spanish, Portuguese (mother tongue)
Trainer of Journalism – special trainer of CENJOR
Career Award Figueira TV
Experience: 1985/99: radio (Rádio Albufeira, Radiogeste…), local and national newspapers, Broadcast Journalist – all the subjects + war reporter: Croatia (Osijek, Karlovac, Sellema in Zagreb, Vukovar), Bosnia (Sarajevo), Angola, etc.for RTP, RDP, DN, etc
Mission: UNESCO/North/South Center of Youth, Strasbourg (1991) – South Africa and PALOP MChord ADB. USA 1994 Rodeo Squad 501, C-130
Reports from Macau (admnistration), China (Triades/executions)
Author (poetry and novels, since 1996), spiritual and jazz singer
Journalist traineed and trainer by CENJOR
Studies of Law (Universidade Livre e Universidade Lusíada. President of the first Young Journalists Association.
War photographer
Amnesty International activist in Lisbon until 1990
Activist for palliative care