Pierre Terdjman

Photographer - #Dysturb

Pierre Terdjman is a 34 years old photojournalist. He began his career in the Israeli daily left wing newspaper Haaretz. In 2007, he returned to France to join the team of photographers in Gamma agency. Since then he has covered include the post-election violence in Kenya, the Russian-Georgian conflict, Afghanistan (where he spent a year following a French unit for Paris-Match), and Haiti after the earthquake. More recently, he photographed the Arab Spring, covering both the fall of Ben Ali in Tunisia, Mubarak in Egypt, and the struggle for liberation against Gaddafi in Libya. He is also regularly in Israel, where it attaches to document the fall of the Israeli dream. In 2012, he won a scholarship Photoreporter Festival of Saint-Brieuc to continue his work in the long term. In 2013 he covered the uprising of violences in Central African Republic (CAR) for the french magazine Paris-Match. His photographs are regularly published in Paris Match, GQ and the New York Times Magazine. His work on Haiti was presented by the Ministry of Culture in a joint exhibition with Jerome Sessini, and photographs of the Arab Spring have been exhibited at the festival in Tbilisi. In 2011, he exhibited at Visa pour l’image. In 2012, a retrospective exhibition held at the Parisian gallery Sophie Rozenberg a resounding success. He is currently working on ecology in France, a project for which he received a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture. His work on CAR was exhibited at Visa pour l’image 2014.

Pierre Terdjman is also the Founder of #Dysturb.

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