Stefanie Kappler

Director, Tutu Centre for War and Peace Studies

I am a Lecturer in International Relations and Director of the Archbishop Desmond Tutu Centre for War and Peace Studies. I hold a PhD in International Relations from the University of St Andrews. My research interests include local and international peacebuilding, their associated spaces of agency and the role of culture therein. I am particularly interested in the contested and transformative nature of local imaginations of peace and have conducted fieldwork in Bosnia-Herzegovina, South Africa, Cyprus, Brussels, Belfast and the Basque Country. My recent publications include articles on “Peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Resistance or Emancipation?” (published in Security Dialogue; co-authored with Oliver Richmond), “Everyday legitimacy in post-conflict spaces: The creation of social legitimacy in Bosnia-Herzegovina’s cultural arenas” (Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding), “Divergent Transformation and Centrifugal Peacebuilding: The EU in Bosnia-Herzegovina” (International Peacekeeping) and “The Emerging EU Peacebuilding Framework: Confirming or Transcending Liberal Peacebuilding?” (Cambridge Review of International Affairs; co-authored with Oliver Richmond and Annika Björkdahl). I teach on the M.A. in Peace Studies, M.A. International Relations as well as on undergraduate courses in International Relations.

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