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Danyil Moyseev

Director from Kyiv. Films the world around him while working as a local producer with Le Monde, striving to avoid hyperreality.

Considering the War (About the film)

by Danyil Moyseev

It’s hard to choose. Especially during a war. Especially when the mobilization age is lowered to 25, and you are exactly 25. Especially when you have already learned that there are no right or wrong choices. But you still have to choose.

Thinking is good. But until you voice your opinion and hear it in a conversation, you won’t even know how you feel about it. A conversation, like shooting, editing, and the entire process–both creative and technical–generates much more than just footage or interviews. You explore yourself by going through all this. And this, no matter how selfish it may seem, is the highest value for an author.

The same applies to choices. Even if you haven’t found the perfect solution for yourself, haven’t seen a story you’d like to emulate, or haven’t found the mask you’d like to wear.

Sharing your weakness is proof of strength. Sharing your dilemma is proof of…?

08.04.24 17:48 Holiday Inn, Sarajevo

Claudia, whom I’ve known since my last visit, randomly offered to take me to the mountain from which the Chetniks shelled the city. The views are doubly impressive, making you think, “How could this happen? How could they shell such beauty?” But they could, and they still can.

We met an old man sitting on a tree stump, smoking in the shade, as if waiting for us. We greeted him, and Claudia hesitantly asked if he had been here during the war. He began telling us about the trees mowed down by shells, the trenches 50 meters apart, his brothers in Venice, a tank shelling the city from an even farther mountain, and hitting the market (one of the massacres). He spoke about current state policy, the possibility of another war, his interest in the situations in Ukraine and Palestine, and how, at 69, he would look younger if the war hadn’t “broken him.”

I listened, understanding some things, and tears came to my eyes. The whole essence of this project lies in such chance encounters, and just like the last time, they hold the most memories and influence you the most.

Rat – war. War – bullshit.