Photo by Newsha Tavakolian/Magnum photos

The project was my desire to look deeply into the lives of those around me who I have known for over ten years and who live in my building. I wanted to bring to life the story of a nation of middle-class youths battling with themselves, their isolated conformed society, their lack of hope for the future, and their individual stories. Over six months at 8 pm I fixed my camera on a tripod in front of the window where I had watched the same view of the city for ten years. I have tried to capture a moment of each of their stories within the frame of a window that looks out onto the cold concrete buildings that surround us daily.

Projekat je bio moja želja da dublje sagledam živote ljudi oko mene koje poznajem više od deset godina i koji žive u mojoj zgradi. Ideja je bila oživjeti priču o generaciji srednje klase koja se bori sama sa sobom, sa svojim izolovanim konformističkim društvom, sa nedostatkom nade za budućnost i sa svojim individualnim pričama. Tokom šest mjeseci, svakog dana u 20:00 sati, postavljala sam kameru na stativ ispred prozora kroz koji već deset godina vidim isti pogled na grad. Pokušala sam uhvatiti trenutak njihove priče u okviru prozora koji gleda na hladne betonske zgrade koje nas svakodnevno okružuju.