Photo by Newsha Tavakolian/Magnum photos

The sky over Tehran. Despite her globally extensive field work, Newsha Tavakolian remains tethered to her homeland of Iran. Having witnessed multiple spectacles of widespread and violent social unrest in the country, and during the most recent wave of protests, she was faced with a new challenge. “I have always struggled to understand why I have such a complicated way of seeing things.”

Nebo nad Teheranom. Iako je radila širom sveta, Newsha Tavakolian ostaje vezana za svoju domovinu Iran. Svjedočila je brojnim prizorima nasilnih socijalnih nemira u zemlji, a tokom najnovijeg talasa protesta suočila se s novim izazovom. “Uvijek sam se trudila razumjeti zašto imam tako složen način gledanja na stvari.”