Photo by Newsha Tavakolian/Magnum photos

Portraits of Newsha Tavakolian’s sister Negin with her friends on the balcony at home in Tehran. In her recent body of work called ‘And They Laughed At Me’, Tavakolian has trawled through her archives not to pick her best work, but instead dig up images that were never intended to be seen. The exercise was meant to help her understand why she is stuck in her work as an artist. These technically sub-par photos of her youth, reveal the mistakes that any new photographer makes who is still unsure of her camera and the nature of light. Her interest in these photos seems to be a philosophical one.

Portreti Newsha Tavakolianine sestre Negin sa njenim prijateljima na balkonu kuće u Teheranu. U recentom opusu pod nazivom “A smijali su mi se”, Tavakolian je pregledala svoje arhive ne bi li odabrala najbolji rad, već da bi iskopala slike koje nikada nisu bile namijenjene da se vide. Takav pristup je trebao pomoći da shvati zašto se osjeća zaglavljeno u svom radu kao umjetnica. Ove tehnički nesavršene fotografije iz njene mladosti otkrivaju greške koje svaki novi fotograf pravi dok još nije siguran u svoj fotoaparat i prirodu svjetla. Njeno interesovanje za ove fotografije čini se da je filozofske prirode.